Thursday, May 20, 2010

Garden is growing!!!

Yeah~ our lettuce is looking scrumptious and ready to be made into a fab dinner salad! Mmmm... I love growing our own organic veggies in our container garden! Last year we had lots of luck growing lettuce, basil, scallions, broccoli, eggplant, zucchini, tomatoes, cucumbers, and fresh herbs! This year we're going to go a little smaller. So far we only have lettuce, basil, rosemary, parsley, dill, oregano, and chives. This weekend I'll probably plant some tomatoes!

Happy gardening~


Purely Paige said...

That lettuce looks gorgeous! Wow did you plant brocolli and scallions in pots last year? I didn't know you could do that! I want to get started on a little garden in our backyard but I am intimidated. What do you thing are the easiest veggies to grow in your experience? I would appreciate ANY tips you might have! Thank you so much!

Linda Starr said...

Oh there is nothing better than home grown and lettuce is the best from the garden, your's looks so good. I'm just doing a few tomatoes in pots this year because of all the remodeling I have to do, but next year I plan on more raised beds.

Garden Gate Designs said...

Just love your lettuce container garden. Everything looks so yummy. Makes me envious. I only grow flowers. Bon Appetit!

Rosemary, Garden Gate Designs

Chrissy Ann Ceramics said...

Thanks! It was yum!!! : )
Today I'll be planting a few tomato plants, and red peppers. I hope I'll have luck w/ those as well!

@Purely Paige I buy my veggies as little plants and plant them in good organic soil with a sprinkle of organic food & LOTS of Love!!! They're in the sunniest area of the yard & I water them daily (if they need it)

As far as easy veggies, Lettuce, basil, chives, scallions, parsley, tomatoes, rosemary, are super easy. Sometimes my cucumbers, eggplant, zucchini aren't as lucky.. but try it out, you'll learn a new trick for next year!

Best of luck! xo

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