Well, here you go! Here is another fabulous Etsy artist interview from Etsy shop www.etsy.com/shop/DeborahJulian that will motivate you to get off your computer and into that studio and work!

1. What is the name of your shop and where are you from?
I use my name as my shop name DeborahJulian. I live in New York CIty.
2. Please describe what is it that you make, and how long have you been making your handmade goodies for?
I'm a photographer with two bodies of work-my more serious photos and my cat art prints. My Etsy shop showcases the cat images which I design using my three cats as my subjects. From my original art work I create note cards and prints, which is something I started doing many years ago as gifts for friends and family.

3. What made you begin "crafting" or "art making"?
When I was in my early 20's my cousin asked me to join her in taking an adult education photography class at a local high school. The class spent a lot of time in the darkroom, which I loved. I was hooked on photography from the moment I saw the latent image come up in the developing tray. I decided to go to school and get a degree in photography. After a few years of commercial darkroom work I developed allergies to photo chemicals and had to leave photography behind for a while. I went back to school for a degree in art history. But I missed taking pictures! I'm grateful that digital photography and ink jet printers have allowed me to get back to my craft. And my art history studies have influenced my work.
4. What made you take the leap into creating a business with your art/craft?
I decided it was time to seriously pursue what I truly love to do.

5. Is your business full time? Where do you sell your work other than Etsy?
I still work a day job as an assistant to an art dealer three days a week. But I work on my designs and on promoting my Etsy shop every day.
I will be a vendor at some craft fairs in New York York City this fall, including the Crafts in Chelsea street fair on October 16th.
6. Where do you create?
I live in a New York City sized one bedroom apartment with my husband and cats so there is not a lot of room. I have computer work space in the living room where my cats frequently sit with me as I compile my images in Photoshop. They compete for my attention and take turns walking across my keyboard. My cat Billy has discovered that if he stands on the keyboard, I am not able to work at all. They have trained me to take breaks from my work to play with them.

7. What is your creative atmosphere like? Loud and crazy, soft and sweet?
I would love my creative atmosphere to be soft and sweet but that’s never going to happen! My husband also works at home so there is a lot going on while I am trying to work. I’ve learned to focus on what I am doing—but it’s hard to ignore a cat who is standing on your keyboard.
8. What inspires you?
My cat images are inspired by my cats. I love to watch them interact with each other and with me. Each has a different personality which I try to capture in my designs. For my more serious work, I love to wander the streets of New York. I’m an observer by nature and many of my photographs deal with people in the urban landscape.

9. How has Etsy been positive for your art/craft?
The Etsy community has been incredibly helpful and supportive. I have made some good friends through the forums and team threads and have learned so much from other Etsy sellers who always seem willing to help a newcomer.
10. Where else can we find you online?
Besides my Etsy shop, you can purchase my work at my website http://www.deborahjulian.myshopify.com Please have a look at my shop! You might find something you love!
Thank you Deborah for sharing your story with us and best of luck in your creative adventures!!!
If you are interested in answering some questions about your artwork, and being a motivational moday etsy artist, please contact me!
Thanks for reading.. have a great week! xoxo
Thanks for featuring my work Chrissy Ann!
I like features like this. I have admired Deborah's work on Etsy, so it's great to get to know a little more about her.
I love Deborah's work...it involoves two of my fave things, NYC & kitties!!!
Sweet interview! Love hearing about the inspiration behind an artist's work.. especially when it involves lovable little furry friends :)
those cats are awesome!
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