A sneak peek at some display tables I set up today at the studio for next weekend's New Bedford Open Studios event. I'll be having my studio open to the public next Saturday and Sunday from 10am-5pm. All of my work is tagged at special in studio only prices! Come by and visit!!! I'm at Hatch Street Studios of course.. 3rd floor Suite #302 just follow my signs!
Hope to see you! www.newbedfordopenstudios.org

Wonderful displays! Good luck!
Gorgeous! I wish you the best of luck!!
Those look really great!! Displaying items in the right way can be so difficult, but your display will invite many people to look! It's really wonderful.
Good Luck with the show :) T.
Thanks everyone! We're just hoping for good weather this year to bring out the crowds.. last year it was a wash out.. Thanks for reading! xo
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