This week's featured Etsy artist is from Crafty Willows,
And here is what she told us about her business~

What is the name of your shop & where are you from?
My etsy shop is called CraftyWillows and I am from Oak Creek, Wisconsin.
Please describe what is it that you make, and how long have you been making your handmade goodies for?
I primarily create wire wrapped pendants and necklaces as well as earrings and a few rings. I have been making wire jewelry since May 2010, but I have been making beaded jewelry for a lot longer. Additionally, my mother and I have collaborated to produce tatted earrings as well. She has been tatting for around 35 years and wanted to help create something new.

What inspired you to begin making your jewelry?
Well, I have been crafting for a long time, but found that I didn't have time for it in college. When I graduated and moved from California to Wisconsin I had a lot more free time on my hands, so I returned to crafting shiny things.
What made you take the leap into creating a business with your art?
Originally I just opened my etsy shop to list items that I had made and didn't want to keep, but since I don't wear jewelry very often, I found myself listing all my creations. It is such an adventure to make something new, that I just wanted to share my work with others.
Is your business full time? Where do you sell your work other than Etsy?
I guess you could say this is my full time business at the moment, but I have to admit that I definitely don't treat it like one. I am afraid that the minute I start treating my crafting like work, it won't be fun anymore. I only sell my creations on Etsy at the moment.

Where do you create?
I primarily use the kitchen table at home!
What is your creative atmosphere like? Loud and crazy, soft and sweet?
I always like to put a movie in when I craft. Something I have seen so many times before that it is pleasant to listen to, but not distracting. The last movie I watched was "Lost in Austen." I love "Pride and Prejudice"!

What inspires you?
It is really hard to say. Sometimes it is a craft tutorial I find on the internet. Other times, it is a tv show, like how "The X-Files" inspired my crop circle pendants. Then there are times when I just take a piece of metal in my hands and just begin to work and the piece creates itself.
How has Etsy been positive for your art?
Just having an Etsy shop has given me the drive to want to always make something new. I like the accomplishment of listing a new item!
Where else can we find you online?
You can also find me at my craft blog:
I created the blog before my etsy store to explore jewelry making and other crafting tutorials.
If you are interested in being a featured Etsy artist/crafter on another Motivational Monday.. please let me know!
Thanks for reading! xo
great motivation, thanks.
I love Pride and Prejudice too!! She is so talented and I can definitely relate to kitchen table crafting :)
Pretty jewelry! I love copper.
Thanks for sharing!
Thanks so much for the lovely post!!
Yay for Pride and Prejudice!!
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