Friday, February 26, 2010

Howdy to all my new followers!

A quick little hello and thank you to all of my new follower buddies! Please stop in and say hello, introduce yourselves! I love the bloggers of this blogging community I've met filled with great stories, interesting tutorials, and great support! I am very excited to meet you as well!

I've been a little quiet all week, not sure if you have noticed.. but I have been on a sweet little work vacation! I decided that since I have the week off from my day job, I would also (try) not going to my studio to work. So far so good!

Here we are Friday, and I have had a sweet week of relaxation and catch up.

The weather was not the greatest lots of rain and slush... perfect for cleaning! :)

So I have spent my week reconnecting with my home which apparently I have been neglecting. At the moment I am only halfway done. I have been taking over every closet, drawer, and shoe box and donating boxes of unused goods.

Some might say I am a hoarder. I may not disagree.

I have attatchment issues apparently.. I fall in love with every object that comes into my life, and I don't want to part with them.

Thank goodness I live in a small apartment and there is a limit.

I have reached it.

Good news is I have next week off as well to finish the organizing and eliminating fest I have begun, and then I can begin repainting and decorating! Time for a fresh new start!

A big thank you to excellent design blogs like,, and so many more for endless days worth of inspiration!

Thank you!

I will keep you posted when my transformation is complete!

And now time for a bath~

Have a great weekend!
xo, Chrissy


debi said...

What a heavenly week. None of us are hoarders, you know! LOL! at least you hoard things you really love. That's the trick. This blogging community is great, I love it too. Hope you are relaxed enough to continue on..........

Chrissy Ann Ceramics said...

Thanks for visiting Deb!
I have quite a week in front of me! It feels great though.. I am missing my studio however. I think I am due back!
Have a great weekend!
xo, Chrissy

Cindi said...

i think that is a fabulous idea - spending a week taking care of a "neglected" home! i have the same dilemma - a neglected home, too many attachments and not enough time. you may just have inspired me though! :)

n*stitches said...

Hi! I just found you on the etsy forums! Great blog and thanks for following!

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